That Rock Concert Camp-a-Dingy

I somehow attended Wordstock IV this year. This will make it the second WS that I've attended and the second time I've spent five anxious days wondering when I'll be discovered for the imposter that I am and forcibly removed by large arms hefting me under the armpits. Haha.

I'm going to force a show of expertise limited by my, count: not one but two, TWO whole Wordstocks to say that this one was the best so far. Not only were there extra special bands present a la STEM y Metanoya y Red Sky but there was also a Salad Bar!
Let me die happy.

I brought my little punkabilly Avicus with me which was fine until I wanted to do anything that didn't involve him. That would invariably bring up a conflict of interests.
Say, having a grown-up conversation or putting on makeup in the morning. I wanted 15 minutes to wash my face and hide the pockmarks and he wanted to see what kind of a base jump he could make from off the side of the bed onto tile floor.
I don't mean to brag but I got pretty adept at producing distracting trinkets to dissuade him from the imminent freefall.

Most favoritest: Concerts.
These guys were so swell and so tight I would have totally moshed if I had any kind of balls. Maybe you are relieved to learn I have none.
Yes, unfortunately, I am as cowardly as..well, a coward. You don't read my blog for the mincing of words.

Least favoritest: Mealtimes.
Early in the morning, before you've even shaken the remaining imprints of your dreams, you're made to parade in front of 300+ people feeling like all their hot little eyes (you know who you are, Beady Little Eyeballs!!) are upon you as you pray to find a chair that will open up in the earth and swallow you. Oh the walk of shame.

I want to give a major shoutout to all my homies of the jett/teen posse who get mad props for bein the shizit in their disciplin. Also for taking time out of their busy skedjool to slap a high five my way. Words fail me, for realz.

I wish I could give a list of all my the people who made me grin but it would be lengthy and I don't want to accidentally exclude anyone. Count yourself as one of them.


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