
I'm not sure that's true.
940 hits?

Hello fame.

(update..make that 1,044)


Spartico said…
Show off.
BarbarianDave said…
We get it!
Liz said…
well look at the dates before. kinda drastic no?
i'm puzzled..
BarbarianDave said…
What are the other bars for?
Anonymous said…
hmmm...lucky strikes perhaps.
Dan said…
I would think that the green bar is the numberof page views and that 194 on the yellow bar is your actual distinct visits. -- Just a thought but doing good in any case. Hey maybe it's cuz I linked. :D
Liz said…
the blue is the number of people who want to spank me; the orange those who I owe money to;)
BarbarianDave said…
So I'm represented in every bar...
Anonymous said…
I find that these types of stats mess with my head in every wrong way.
Congrats though!
Eman said…
I envision a very poor Liz with a very sore bottom.

The way your stats are going, that'll be you, very soon.

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